Chicago Style Practice Worksheet
This worksheet, from the University of Texas-San Antonio Libraries, provides students with an opportunity to practice Chicago style
Chicago Video Overview and Quiz
This guide presents a video on Chicago style and includes a quiz.
Turabian (Chicago) Documentation Worksheet
This worksheet features practice questions about Turabian (Chicago) style.
Harvard Citation Quiz
Victoria University Library hosts a quiz devoted to Harvard style.
Harvard (Cite Them Right) Quiz
This quiz focuses specifically on Cite Them Right, the primary manual for Harvard style.
Harvard Referencing Teaching Resources
The University of Leeds has collected a comprehensive list of quizzes, worksheets, and other materials related to Harvard style.
AMA Citation Worksheet
Texas A&M University Libraries hosts this worksheet that covers the basics of AMA style.
AMA Style Quizzes
The official site for the AMA Manual of Style features a number of quizzes on citation.
IEEE Style Citation Quiz
Cal Polytechnic Library has created a video about IEEE style with an accompanying quiz.